Dr Nicole Sides is a Gynaecologist/Obstetrician that specialises in fertility management, reproductive endocrinology and Invitro Fertilisation.
Dr Sides studied at the University of Sydney and the Royal Hospital for Women in Sydney and has successfully been helping individuals and couples with a wide range of fertility issues to achieve the dream of having a baby.
Dr Sides has now realised her dream to provide a suite of services to couples needing fertility help within a holistic clinic that treats couples in an individualised and caring fashion while keeping costs to a minimum.
Dr Sides opened Compass Fertility in 2009 and is now one of the leading experts in Fertility in Canberra and nationally, with an extensive range of professional associations with other clinics nationally and internationally.
Dr Sides sees private and public patients in her rooms at Capital Hill Medical (Suite 2, 6 Geils Court, Deakin) and at Compass Fertility Clinic which is situated next door to the Barton Private Hospital.
Dr Sides is the Medical Director of Compass Fertility and has helped couples and individuals achieve their dream of having a baby for over 25 years.
Dr Sides' approach encompasses the following four core principles that truly differentiate Compass from other fertility providers:
Tailored & personal attention
A holistic approach
Prompt service
Continuous support through Dr Sides' patients' fertility journey
For comprehensive information about Dr Sides' Fertility services, please visit Compass Fertility.
Some couples and individuals spend a long time trying for a baby, however they find themselves unsuccessful. Dr Nicole Sides offers tailored packages, assisting with increased likelihood of pregnancy through the likes of Infertility Investigation.
Dr Sides seeks to use natural methods to the greatest extent possible. At the same time Dr Sides recognises that couples and individuals sometimes need to utilise the scientific methods and treatments of assisted reproduction and IVF.
Working alongside with Compass Fertility, Dr Sides works towards aiming to provide couples and individuals an increased likelihood for falling pregnant.
Many of our couples are able to achieve pregnancy without using high-tech invasive solutions. Using a combination of methods, Dr Sides' philosophy is first to enhance your natural ability to conceive. Our approach is holistic and seeks to work in partnership with all of our patients.
Dr Sides has taken a step back from Gynaecology to focus on helping individuals and couples achieve their fertility goals. From the comfort of the same clinic, Dr Bateman provides a wide range of gynaecological services including but not limited to;
Pap smears
Pelvic exams
Consultation for issues relating to contraceptives or painful sex.
Contact Us
If you wish to request an appointment please call us as we cannot take bookings via email if it is in relation to another matter, please complete the form below and one of our team will contact you as soon as possible to deal with your enquiry.
Suite 2
6 Geils Court
Deakin ACT 2600
Phone: 02 6273 7175
Fax: 02 6273 4880